Family Values

Our Foundational Principles and Values are the foundation for our life and ministry together:
1. We will stand for truth: Our common statement of faith is a living expression of the doctrinal foundations upon which we stand together.

2. We will establish our unity in our Christ-centered vision: We experience inter-cultural unity in the midst of diversity as inter-dependent churches with a common vision.

3. We will depend on God in prayer: Our life and vitality as a Family of Churches is dependent upon prayer.

4. We will value healthy inter-church life: We believe that reconciliation and wholeness is developed in the context of relationships, and we will care for one another as individuals and churches in spiritual and practical ways.

5. We will make disciples: We will work together to reproduce fully devoted followers of Christ in all generations.

6. We will value every church as an equal member of the family: We recognize that our churches are inter-connected and each has unique gifts that will help our whole family grow in our identity and calling.

7. We will equip and empower: We will intentionally multiply Spirit-empowered and kingdom-minded leaders, ministers, and churches.

8. We will be a force, not a fortress: We will actively seek to extend the kingdom of God from our churches to our communities and to the nations.